About Kemenparekraf

Profile of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy

Presidential Regulation Number 69 of 2019 concerning the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has changed the Ministry of Tourism in the Working Cabinet to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in the 2019-2020 Forward Indonesia Cabinet.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia is under and responsible to the President and assists the President in carrying out government affairs in the tourism sector, and government duties in the creative economy, as part of national development goals.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is led by a Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) which since December 23, 2020 has been held by Sandiaga Uno.

Starting from Depparpostel

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, previously known as the “Ministry of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication” in the period 1983-1988, with the minister at that time was Achmad Tahir.

Furthermore, in the course of governance of the Republic of Indonesia, the name of this ministry was changed to:

  • Department of Tourism, Arts and Culture (Depparsenibud) (1998–1999)
  • State Ministry of Tourism and Arts (Kemengparsen) (1999–2001)
  • State Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenegbudpar) (2001–2005)
  • Department of Culture and Tourism (Depbudpar) (2005–2009
  • Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar) (2009–2011)
  • Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) (2014–2019)
  • Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) (2011–2014) and (now).
  • In the 2014-2019 period, President Joko Widodo separated the tasks of the Creative Economy from the Ministry of Tourism, and formed the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf).

Bekraf is an agency that is one level below the ministry, and functions to strengthen the creative economy sector, including protection for the creative works of Indonesian artists. Then starting in 2019, President Joko Widodo again merged Bekraf with the Ministry of Tourism.

The ministers who have served are as follows:

  1. Achmad Tahir 1983-1988
  2. Soesilo Soedarman 1988-1993
  3. Joop Ave 1993-1998
  4. Abdul Latief 1998-1998
  5. Marzuki Usman 1998-1999
  6. Giri Suseno Hadihardjono (ad-interim) 1999-1999
  7. Hidayat Jaelani 1999-2000
  8. I Gede Ardhika 2000-2004
  9. Jero Wacik 2004-2009
  10. Mohammad Nuh (ad-interim) 2009-2009
  11. Jero Wacik 2009-2011
  12. Mari Elka Pangestu 2011-2014
  13. Arief Yahya 2014-2019
  14. Wishnutama Kusubandio 2019-2020

Job and Function

The main task and function of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is to carry out government affairs in the tourism and creative economy sectors to assist the President in administering state government.

In carrying out its duties, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy carries out the following functions:

Formulation and stipulation of policies in the field of tourism and creative economy;

Formulation, determination, and implementation of technical policies for the development of resources, institutions, destinations, infrastructure, industry, investment, marketing, tourism products and the implementation of activities, as well as the digital economy and creative products in the tourism and creative economy sectors;

Coordination and synchronization of policy implementation in the field of tourism and the creative economy;

Preparation of norms, standards, procedures, and criteria in the field of tourism and the creative economy in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations;

Implementation of technical guidance and supervision in the field of tourism and creative economy in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations;

Preparation of a national tourism development master plan and a creative economy master plan;

Management of data and information in the field of tourism and the creative economy;

Guidance, provision, and implementation of administrative and substantive support to all organizational elements within the Ministry/Agency;

Coordination of the implementation of tasks, guidance, and provision of administrative support to all elements of the organization within the Ministry/Agency;

Management of state property/wealth which is the responsibility of the Ministry/Agency; and

Supervision of the implementation of tasks within the Ministry/Agency.

World Tourism Destinations and Creative Economy as Future Economic Pillars

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has a vision to make Indonesia a world-class tourism destination. For this reason, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has a mission to develop world-class tourism destinations and conduct tourism-oriented marketing.

In addition, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also focuses on developing the environment and capacity of the highly competitive tourism industry in Indonesia.

While in the creative economy sector, which is said to be the backbone of the country, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has the task of synergizing cooperation between inventors and investors.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also strengthens the ability of the creative industry to compete with imported creative economy products, as well as promoting various types of Indonesian creative economy products, so as to encourage the growth of other creative economic actors who can support the regional and national economy.